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Modular Multipurpose Shelf

Collaboration project with furniture designer, Tan Joe Chin


With the name Bustris, a multipurpose shelf with modular system has been designed. The name “Bustris” is a combination of “Bus” and “Tetris”. Bustris is a shelf designed to be put in the shower room of a bus. The target users of the shelf are the homeless who are using the shower room in the transformed bus.

Bustris has a modular system. So, the shelves arrangement can be changed according to the demands of the users. While making Bustris, we mixed two types of wood which are pine wood and meranti wood to make it more beautiful. Therefore, Bustris is not only a practical but also an aesthetic shelf.

Materials: Pine Wood, Meranti Wood, MDF Board

Size: L 180cm * W 40cm * H 180cm (1/10 of actual size)

Time: March 2019

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